Certification and Mentorship Program to get YOU healthy --- so you can create a healthy Kingdom Atmosphere in your home and raise your children the way God desires, so you can prepare them for their Kingdom Assignment!



Do you know that your child is created for something special?

Did you know?

The behavior that is the hardest for you to parent, often points to your child's giftings?

If you are like most parents, you worry about your child's future!


BUT you don't know what to do about it because you are just trying to survive each day!


Maybe you pray (and prayer can be powerful) but let's be honest, it's probably mostly wishful thinking and just hoping everything turns out fine!


(If this sounds familiar you are NOT alone!)

"Many are called, but few are chosen." ~Matthew 22:14


I DON'T want my kids to be like the Israelites who had to wander for 40 EXTRA years in the desert, when God originally planned for them to go right in to the Promised Land! 


I don't want my kids to be like Esau and lose their blessing (and future) for something like a bowl of soup!

-I believe a mother's MOST IMPORTANT JOB in life is to raise the next generation!

-It's the parent's honor and DUTY TO EQUIP the child to fulfill their call in life and prepare them to step into their KINGDOM ASSIGNMENT!

-As a mother, you are CHOSEN to PROTECT AND REMOVE hindrances that keep your child from their Kingdom Assignment!

But, how do I protect the God given assignment of my Child?!?

KAPP is a Certification and Mentorship program!

  • Do you know the calling on your child's life?
  • Do you know how to prepare your child with relational, emotional and spiritual health?
  • Do you know that you are relationally, emotionally, and spiritually healthy enough yourself to train your child?
  • Do you have a solid personal identity and know how to help your child solidify their identity in who God designed them to be?
  • Are you equipped with all the tools to parent your child according to how God parents us?
  • Do you know your child's gift mix and how to parent them accordingly?
  • Do you know your own gift mix and how that influences your parenting style?
  • Are you skilled at shifting atmospheres and releasing Heaven into situations and places?
  • Do you know the type of culture God wants you to create in your home to properly prepare your child for their Kingdom Assignment?

Dear Kingdom Mother,

I know that most Christian parents want nothing more than God's BEST for their child!

The most important thing is their relationship with God and fulfilling the destiny that he has planned for their life!

In Esther 4:14 it says "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish."

In other words, God's plan WILL come to fruition, however you might miss your chance to be the conduit for God to move on this earth in this particular way, and he might have to use someone else. 

God wants to work with YOU, but you can say no and go another way (freewill)! 

I'm sure you are like me and you want the FULLNESS of God's plans for your children!!!

In KAPP you learn how to partner with God to raise your kids the way that HE wants them to be raised, in order to prepare them for the FULL Kingdom Assignment that He has in store for them! 

In KAPP you will be mentored in how to get healthy YOURSELF so that you can not only teach these vital skills to your child, but create a healthy culture in your home to sustain your child's growth in the Lord and nurture their gift mix properly.

In KAPPS you will be equipped with how to get your kids healthy according to the Kingdom of God, so that when they leave your house, they go out and spread the Kingdom because they have a solid identity and healthy relationship and emotional skills! 

This is NOT about "knowing what you want to be when you grow up", this is about solidly knowing "WHO you were created to be" by the ultimate creator and being that person no matter what place you are in!

"The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." ~2 Chronicles 16:9

May God's eyes rest upon you and your children! I pray you are the ones that He stops and gazes at, knowing your hearts are fully committed to him and his plan! His plan is higher than our plan! Let's step out in faith and let's do this together!!!

This is so much more than just knowing parenting tools!

This is so much deeper than just discipline! 

"These courses have not only transformed the way I view myself and my role as a mother but also how I view my role as a daughter of God. Emily's heart and compassion for moms is palpable. Her transparency is refreshing and impactful. I have told nearly every mom I know about this program because it's so life-changing. I love how it's not just abstract concepts but actually includes practical day-to-day tips and techniques that any mom can put to use right away. Emily backs up everything she says with the word and it just makes so much sense. I wish I had found the program much sooner. Thank you so much Emily and may God continue to richly bless you and your family!"

-Ayesha Keller

"Working with Emily has been an absolute delight and a game-changer for our family! She has helped me reorient my role as a parent and brought more joy into our home. Emily shares the biblical "why" behind what she does, which was refreshingly different from what I grew up thinking was biblical parenting! Then she gives the "how" in a format that is easy to incorporate over time. I appreciate her personalized approach and heart for each mom and their family!"

~Andrea Frueh

"I can’t say enough for how much Emily has helped my family! She helped us transition through a very rough season, full of strife, arguing, disrespect and disconnect. We have learned and grown so much because of her help. We communicate in a much healthier way and there is so much more peace in our home! While I can’t say that everything is perfect around here, I am in awe at how far we have come, how much we’ve grown, and how much more connected we feel as a family. Emily offers a wealth of wisdom and I would tell anyone with a desire to grow that working with her (or taking her course) is something you will definitely not regret!"

~Lacy Timpano

We have seen so many influential Pastors FALL recently... 

For your child to go the distance and walk out their Kingdom Calling in this world, they need to be emotionally, spiritually, and RELATIONALLY healthy and aware as well as connected STRONGLY to the Lord! You will not only learn these SKILLS but also how to biblically evaluate where you are and where you need growth! You will grow in these skills yourself, but you will also learn to teach them to your children too!!!

Walking through life can be hard! And our child will have situations that can possibly break them. OR we can know how to guide our child successfully through them in a healthy way so they can be used in their destiny!

In the KAPProgram you will become equipped with how to: 

  • be the Mother who comes into ALIGNMENT with God's calling on your child's life,
  • help your child DISCOVER what they were created for,
  • teach your kid to WALK in health and Kingdom Principles,
  • PROTECT the calling on their life, 
  • Aid your child in NAVIGATING through hard situations and doing it well,
  • and EQUIP them to be prepared to fulfill that calling!

Certified Consultant!  Not only can these  skills be used to help raise your child to fulfill their Kingdom Assignment, but you can help other Moms as well!

You will receive training on how to be a Certified Kingdom Parenting Consultant! LEARN HOW to give effective consultations by using specific strategies that partner with Holy Spirit, which results in a greater breakthrough for the client! 

Use this Certification to bring in INCOME! AND get to HELP other moms to get healing, strategy, and to parent in the ways of the Kingdom!!!

Could this even be YOUR Kingdom Assignment!??!?!

I can use this certification to help other moms AND use it as a stream of income?!?


Wooooooo Hooooo!!!!

The Doors Close When This Offer Ends on Monday Night at Midnight!









"Emily is a JOY to work with!!! She has such a great way of pulling out the potential in both parent and child! You can’t help but feel encouraged and like there is hope for your situation! Highly recommend working with her!"

~Sarah Snavely

Mom of 5

"Emily has been amazing and her knowledge is so helpful. She truly seems led by the Holy Spirit and has a gift for helping families. I have seen a difference in how I feel, how I respond to my kids, and how they are behaving already and am excited to continue improving with them. This was such a blessing at the perfect time."

~ Brittany White

Mom of 3

"Emily is very understanding and truly wants everyone to succeed. I felt with her support I could tackle anything my kids could throw at me with all of the tools she taught us. She truly has brought peace and understanding to my home."

~Shannon Rathmann

Mom of 2

6 Months of Weekly Training

90 minute Zoom call every Monday! (Except Holiday weeks.) Grow in emotional, relational, and spiritual health (foundational pieces to walking out a Kingdom Assignment!), and learn how to then teach and cultivate this in your own children, so they are equipped to be one of "the chosen".

Matthew 22:14 "Many are called, but few are chosen."

Value $9,997

Official Certification

Complete all requirements and obtain your certification! The Certification grants permission to teach groups of Moms what you have learned as well as be a paid Kingdom Parenting Consultant. You will be supported and backed by Emily Johnson and Kingdom Motherhood!

Value $5,000

Voxer Access to Emily!

Any questions or processing can be done through Voxer, at any time of day! You do not have to wait until the next Zoom session to get your questions answered! This is a direct line to Emily as well as a community group voxer channel. Experience true connection and relationship as you grow together and process together during the KAPProgram!

 Value = Priceless!

Limited Edition Signed Copy of Emily's Book!

Parents: The Prophets Of The Home will be releasing soon and you get a first run, limited edition, signed copy shipped straight to your door! You also get a spot on the exclusive launch team (including all the bonuses that come with that!)!

Value $20

Personalized Coaching and Hot Seats

This is an interactive and coaching program, not JUST a listen to a training program! Get the opportunity to be coached and mentored by Emily directly!

Value $7,997

The Kingdom Mothers Society is INCLUDED!

For the duration that you are in KAPP you will receive access to The Kingdom Mothers Society so that you can learn ALL the parenting Tools and Mindsets needed when creating a Kingdom Atmosphere in your home. You get to join a connection group and join the God Encounter Sessions, as well as access to the Expert Guest Speakers. You will have access to all the past content as well! (AND You get access to all the KMS Bonuses offered today! Eeekk!) 

Total Value for 6 months $282

Free Access To Any Future Paid Trainings!

Any Challenges, Intensives, or courses that become available while you are a Member of KAPP is added to your library and you get full access to! (Psstttt... Exciting things are coming with the book launch in the New Year!!!)

Value up to $200

Total Value: $23,496


2 INNER HEALING SESSIONS WITH JAMEE SHERMER, Certified PHH Practitioner and Grief Counselor

Part of the Certification requirements are to have 2 Personal Inner Healing Sessions completed. If you sign up by Thursday at Midnight, Emily will pay for those sessions for you!!!

Value $160

New Ebook Release: Coming Out Of Survival Mode

A HOW-TO guide on coming out of a season of survival mode and into being a vibrant, joyful, and connected mother!

Have you been in, or are still in, survival mode after a huge life shift or trauma (including having a baby!), and you know you need things to change, but you just don't know how? If you feel like you are just drowning but strongly desire to be a vibrant, joyful, connected mother, than this is the guide for you!!!

Step by step, how to walk out of Survival mode, and also a gamut of ideas so you can personalize it to your needs!

Don't miss this opportunity to grab this tremendous ebook for free before it goes on sale!!


Value $37

Beauty As A Tool Mini-Course

In this mini-course I show you how to streamline your beauty routine, to not take up much time but to still show up confident and as your best self for your family! How you feel about yourself strongly influences your actions!  Take a peek into my closet through the different seasons, watch my makeup routine, learn about my hair schedule, etc!

I also talk about how God sees beauty on Earth and how to use it as a tool in your Kingdom assignment! 

Value $97

Access to ALL the Replays of the Current Challenges:

  • Inspire Obedience

  • Respect Reset

  • The Discipline Difference 


Value $141

The Kingdom Mothers Society Bonuses!

Since your membership to The Kingdom Mothers Society is included, you also get all the Bonuses!

Included with The Kingdom Mothers Society Membership are the current bonuses:

  •  ​​Exclusive training on Connection with expert Kaili Jo Zeiher!
  •  ​Trigger Finder Workbook
  •  ​"Blessings For Your Children" Declaration and Prayer Resource!
  •  ​Respect Reset Challenge Replays
  •  Lifetime ​Access to "How To Be A Kingdom Mother" Mini-Course!
  •  ​Lifetime Access to the Inspire Obedience Intensive AND Insiders Replays!

Total VALUE = $369

OVER $800 in EXTRA Bonuses!

Pay in Full


Best Value



Payment Plan


Most Popular



Delayed Payment

2 month delay in payment

NEW Option

  • Same pricing as the Payment plan with a 2 month delay to give you a chance to start making income as a Kingdom Motherhood Consultant!!!
  • With a signed commitment to finish the program!

"I enjoyed working with Emily. She was very open to questions and helped troubleshoot situations. She challenged us with ideas I would not have thought of, or hadn’t dared to try."

~Jennie Pusser

“This course has been such a breath of fresh air and I just want more of God, and learn how to discern his voice to hear him so fully and just be in him all day everyday. God working through you has just ministered to me so much and I'm just in awe of how he is using you. I could cry. I'm tearing up just thinking about it. It’s been an answered prayer for sure!”

~Cassie Baez

"Emily is a breath of fresh air and such a joy to talk with. Even seeing the way she talks with her kids when they interrupt a zoom call is with patience and kindness. She doesn’t just talk the talk but also walks the walk and lives the life she teaches us about. Actions speak louder than words; it’s so true."

~Brianna Jackson

I am a Holy Spirit led Wife and Mother to 3 children (girl-boy-girl), and sometimes a Foster Mom.  6 years ago I was living in chaos… And I was depressed, yelling, critical and controlling. I was longing for an answer to break the cycle. I knew deep in my heart that God had a better design for family than what we were experiencing. 

My parenting journey actually started 13 years ago with deep study and implementation of MANY different parenting styles. I also have hours upon hours on my face before God, receiving wisdom, revelation, tools and direction in His design for family and parenting. I have developed a filter to put all this information through to make sure what I implement in our home matches the way that God parents me.

I now mentor moms one-on-one, in group settings, and through courses in Kingdom Motherhood. I am also a Certified EP trainer, Certified EP School Director, Author, Teacher: 4th & 5th grade/Elementary Art/and Homeschool, Certified Foster Parent, Certified Online Income Expert, Retired Dental Hygienist, Current Emerging Prophet and I hold a Personal Prophetic Ministry Certification. 

The Lord has commissioned me to share what I know with you: how to parent from the perspective of the Kingdom of Heaven, and partner with God as you raise your precious children!  I am honored to be on this parenting journey with you!